Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two Months Ago Today...

...I had my baby girl! I just cannot believe how fast time has gone by and how fast she is growing! It's amazing to watch her change...I'd say the biggest change is her ability to recognize people and smile. It's remarkably endearing to watch her look for me when someone else is holding her ;-)

We are having so much fun in Nebraska. Olivia's Dude and Uncle Jamie (okay, and her Granny, too!) seem particularly enamored with her. It was really sweet to watch James play his bass guitar for her earlier this week. As I type this, Dude is feeding her the last bottle of the day--she's fighting sleep, but it looks like he's got the hang of things!

Here are few pictures I captured yesterday of Olivia in a flight suit. Turns out they look good on everyone!


Missy said...

I love the look on her face in that second flight suit picture.

Gommer said...

I love Col. Lauderdale!


Shannan Teubner said...

That's hilarious! I love it.